Adapter - Diving

Adapter cables and accessories for connecting Heizteufel products to heating products from Baehr, BTS, Gerbing, Klan, Yellow Diving and Santi

In competition with international manufacturer brands for heated gloves and heated clothing such as from Baehr, BTS, Gerbing, Klan, SANTI, Yellow Diving and other suppliers, Heizteufel, as a German designer and manufacturer of high-quality heated textiles and heated clothing, does not have to shy away from any comparison - neither in quality, functionality, wearing comfort nor in the price-performance ratio. For Baehr customers and its heated gloves, there is almost complete compatibility between glove-control-board connection due to the cinch interface. Conversely, Heizteufel's heated underwear can be plugged into the Baehr heating control. For BTS- and SANTI- as well as Gerbing- and Klan-customers different adapters are offered, which allow to combine all devices of these manufacturers with Heizteufel products.

Note: Before using the adapter, make sure that the polarity of the power source and power consumers to be connected is correct. To do this, measure the voltage of the Santi battery tank and compare the polarity with the polarity shown here. Basically, the cinch assignment of Heizteufel plug connections is +V on the inside and -V on the outside. A warranty on third-party products due to faulty connections is excluded.
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