An instant and simply to get status of battery packs connected with heated devices comes with this mulitimeter which is showing on a backlighted display following measurements:
Battery Voltage: Select between pre-set parameters for 3S- und 4S-Battery Packs which is showing the V on zero and full load.
3S-Batterypack 9.0V ~ 12.6V
4S-Batterypack 12.0V ~ 16.8V
Battery Capacity: Indicates the charging status of the battery pack. Each of the 5 graphs means a battery capacity of ~20%.
0 Graph = 0%, 1 Graph ~20%, 2 Graphs ~40%, … , 5 Graphs ~100%.
Current Load: The heated product, ie. shirt, gloves and socks, shows the energy current in Ampere (A). The value ist between 0,1A ~ 10.0A.
Load Resistance: Informs the heated resistance of heated products which is arount 3 ~ 20Ohms. If the value is >10% to the new product, then probably the reason is a malfunction within the power cables or heating device.
The Multimeter is supplied with factory pre-set parameters for Heizteufel Li-Ion/LiPo battery packs with nominal 11.1V and 14.8V. All paramters can free-programmed by the user to meet other battery types as well.